Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2022

Over the previous four years, the HKU e-Learning Development Laboratory has offered an e-reading platform to encourage secondary students to engage in 'reading to learn History'. On November 14, 2022, the award ceremony for the 2022 Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme was held at Loke Yew Hall at The University of Hong Kong.

The Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2022 aims to appreciate students’ performance and acknowledge schools’ support to the Award Scheme. The Award Scheme was held from April to August 2022, which was jointly organised by the Personal, Social and Humanities Education (PSHE) Section, the Curriculum Development Institute (CDI), the Education Bureau (EDB) and the e-Learning Development Laboratory, The University of Hong Kong, and The History e-learning Schools Network as co-organiser. The aims of the scheme are as follows:

  • to encourage students to learn history through reading, and create a favourable reading atmosphere and culture in school; and
  • to arouse students’ interest in learning history, encourage them to engage in self-directed learning through the e-platform, so as to acquire historical knowledge and develop positive values and attitudes.

148 schools with about 19,000 students participated in the Award Scheme. After assessment, 51 students with excellent performance receive a “Merit Award” (including a certificate, a trophy and a book coupon). The setup of “Creativity Award” aims to encourage students to use different ways other than writing to illustrate positive value(s) shown by the historical figures and events from articles. 10 student teams receive this Award (including a certificate, a trophy and a book coupon). Meanwhile, the “Academic Award”, which is newly-introduced this year, aims to encourage students to conduct project learning relevant to the topic of articles. At last, 6 student teams receive this Award (including a certificate, a trophy and a book coupon). Besides, more than 4,100 students performed satisfactorily receive the “Appreciation Award”, and about 4,500 students obtain the “Certificate of Completion” for encouragement.

EDB and the HKU e-Learning Development Laboratory would like to express our gratitude to students, and their schools and teachers for the participation in the Scheme. We hope that our concerted effort would further promote the development of History, continue enriching students’ experience in history learning and nurturing their positive values and attitudes.

Professor WONG Yue-chim Richard, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong gave a welcome and introduction speech.

Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, JP, Secretary for Education, Education Bureau, HKSARG, the officiating guest gave a speech

Group photos of awardees

Group photo of participating students, teachers and parents

(From left) Dr. WOO Chun-kit Keith, Ms. LEUNG Yvetta Ruth, Ms. LAM Si-hang Yvonne, Dr. CHAN Pik-wa, Prof LAU Chi-pang, Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, JP, Prof WONG, Y.C. Richard, Mr SU Yau-on Albert, Prof WONG Kenneth K.Y., Dr. FOK Wilton W.T., Ms. LEE Suet-kam

The HKU e-Learning Development Laboratory colleagues that participated in the ceremony

Photo of the Mini-exhibition
