Award Presentation and Ceremony of the International Outstanding e-Learning Awards 2018/19 (國際傑出電子教學獎 2018/19 )

The e-Learning Development Laboratory was delighted to host the annual signature event International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (國際傑出電子教學獎) (2018/19) with an Award Presentation & Ceremony on 28 June 2019. Over 350 teachers and 150 schools have taken part in the Award scheme.

The Award aims to promote the adoption of e-learning through best practice sharing and to build a community of practice among schools and universities who are proactive in e-Learning development.

Those at the ceremony were able to hear some of the sharing being presented by keynote speakers, and the winners from both primary and secondary schools of the 7 categories were announced and awarded their trophies, certificates and prizes.

Having published the New Era e-Learning Series in the past years, we continue to publish a new e-book, 《電子學習 . 新世代 VI》, you can access via

The newly published book, 《電子學習 . 新世代 VI》, for sharing the best practice of e-Learning applications among the community

為答謝各位老師,我們希望和你們分享精彩的電子學習案例。 我們把本年教學獎的得奬教案集結成書作為老師的教學資源,同工可從本網站下載 (。

Dr Wilton Fok, Director of e-Learning Development Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong gave a welcoming speech 香港大學電子學習發展實驗室總監 霍偉棟博士致歡迎詞

We are honored to have invited Professor Catherine CHAN Ka-ki (香港大學教育學院陳嘉琪博士) to share her encouragement to teachers.

Sharing of “Education for future: learning how to learn and knowledge building” by Professor Carol K.K. CHAN 香港大學教育學院陳桂涓教授分享「教育面向未來:學會學習與知識建構」

Sharing of “Application of e-Learning in History” by Mr. Keith WOO, Senior Curriculum Development Officer, PSHE Section, CDI, Education Bureau 教育局課程發展處個人、社會及人文教育高級課程發展主任胡俊傑先生分享「電子學習在歷史科的應用」

Sharing of “3D scanning technology to reproduce online 3D models of artefacts” by Dr Sammy LI Kin Sum, Assistant Professor, Department of History, HKBU 香港浸會大學 李建深博士分享使用3D 掃描歷史古蹟和文物的經歷

A certificate of appreciation was presented to Dr. LI Kin Sum, Professor Carol K.K. CHAN, Ms Pat Huang, Mr. KAM WAI MING, Mr. Albert WONG KIN WAI, as a token of thanks for their support 香港大學電子學習發展實驗室總監 霍偉棟博士向香港浸會大學 李建深博士、香港大學教育學院 陳桂涓教授、香港大學教育學院體驗式學習諮詢委員會委員 黃碧霖女士、 香港電腦教育學會主席 金偉明校長和資訊科技教育領袖協會主席 黃健威先生頒發感謝狀

A certificate of appreciation was presented to Dr. Paul Sze, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong as a token of thanks for his support.

Professor Carol K.K. CHAN distributed the prizes for Chinese Language Learning awardees.

Dr. LI Kin Sum distributed the prizes for Mathematics Learning awardees.

Mr. Keith WOO distributed the prizes for General e-Learning application awardees.

Mr. Keith WOO and Dr. LI Kin Sum distributed the prizes for History Learning awardees.

Ms Pat Huang distributed the prizes for Special Education Needs stream awardees.

Dr. Paul Sze, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學課程與教學學系 客座助理教授 施敏文教授) distributed the prizes for English Language Learning awardees.

Mr. KAM WAI MING (香港電腦教育學會主席 金偉明校長) distributed the prizes for STEM & Computational Thinking Education (Primary school) awardees.

Mr. Albert WONG KIN WAI (資訊科技教育領袖協會主席黃健威先生) distributed the prizes for STEM & Computational Thinking Education (Secondary school) awardees.

Dr. Wilton Fok presents closing speech. 電子學習發展實驗室總監霍偉棟博士為大家展望未來發展

The organizing committee of the e-Learning Award 2018/19 has completed the mission. 一眾本年度教學獎的籌募委員完成任務後合照留念

More photos of the IOELA 18/19 Ceremony can be viewed at the following link:
