Award Presentation and Ceremony of the International Outstanding e-Learning Awards 國際傑出電子教學獎 2017/18

The e-Learning Development Laboratory was delighted to host the annual signature event International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (國際傑出電子教學獎 ) (2017/18) with an Award Presentation and Ceremony on 22 June 2018. Over 300 teachers and 120 schools have taken part in the Award scheme, which aims to promote the adoption of e-learning through best practice sharing and to build a community of practice among schools and universities who are proactive in e-Learning development.

Those at the ceremony were able to hear some of the sharing being presented by awardees of e-Learning application for History Learning, and the winners from both primary and secondary schools of the 5 categories were announced and awarded their trophies, certificates and prizes.

We are honored to have Dr CHAN Ka-ki (香港大學教育學院陳嘉琪博士) to share her encouragement to teachers and present awards to awardees.

Having published the New Era e-Learning Series in the past years, we continue to publish a new e-book, 《電子學習新世代 V》, you can access via

The newly-published book, 《電子學習新世代 V》, for sharing the best practice of e-Learning applications among the community. 為答謝各位老師,我們希望和你們分享精彩的電子學習案例。 我們把本年教學獎的得奬教案集結成書作為老師的教學資源

Sharing of “Enlightening life with knowledge through education “by Principal of Sichuan Deyang Yuenjia Keyu Primary School from Sichuan Province 四川德陽袁家可育學校校長分享如何「用課堂點燃智慧 以知識啟迪生命」

Sharing of“River of Yantian “by teacher from Shenzhen Yantian Gaoji School 深圳鹽田高級中學分享「鹽田河」的專題學習的教學經驗

A certificate of appreciation was presented to Dr CHAN Ka-ki, as a token of thanks for her support 香港大學電子學習發展實驗室總監霍偉棟博士向香港大學教育學院陳嘉琪博士頒發感謝狀

Dr LAU Wai-wah, the Panel Head of Chinese History of Kowloon Technical School, Seconded Teacher of PSHE Section of EDB distributed the prizes for History awardees. Dr LAU gave a speech on how to use e-learning tools to make history classes interesting. Gold and silver awardees shared their teaching designs with the audience

Sharing of “The advent of the new era of e-learning – Bring History alive” 九龍工業學校中史科科主任劉偉華博士分享「新電子教學時代的來臨-讓歷史科活起來」

A certificate of appreciation was presented to The Oxford University Press (China), as a token of thanks for their sponsorship and support to the category of “Primary English (Co-organized with Oxford University Press)” 香港大學電子學習發展實驗室總監霍偉棟博士向牛津大學出版社代表譚智傑先生頒發感謝狀, 以感謝出版社的贊助及支持

Winning case sharing by Ms. LEUNG Man-na from Hong Kong True Light College, Gold Awardee of E-Learning application in History (Secondary School category). The topic was “Flipped Classroom brings history alive” 電子教學應用 (歷史科) 中學組金獎得主香港真光書院-梁敏娜老師 分享「翻轉課堂,讓歷史課活起來」

E-Learning application in History (Primary School category) winning case sharing “Search for the HKU's historical monuments with AR, VR and mobile outdoor learning technologies” by Gold Awardee, Mr. LIU Cheung-lok from SKH St. Andrew’s Primary School 電子教學應用 (歷史科) 小學組金獎得主聖公會聖安德烈小學 廖翔洛老師 分享「尋找歷史留痕 - 香港大學的百年壁和歷史古蹟 - 運用AR和VR技術展現香港大學歷史」

E-Learning application in History (Secondary School category) winning case sharing “The journey of Ming Dynasty with Augmented Reality” by Silver Awardee, Mr. YAN Kin-wa from Lok Sin Tong Ku Chiu Man Secondary School 中學組銀獎得主樂善堂顧超文中學 甄健華老師分享「明史AR遊蹤」

Showcase of “The journey of Ming Dynasty with Augmented Reality”

Group photo of the History Stream (Secondary) awardees

Afterwards, a discussion panel was moderated by Mr. Eric Au Yeung with the General e-Learning awardees. The Gold awardees of the General e-Learning Stream shared their experiences and tips on teaching with e-Learning tools, and what difficulties they encountered and how they overcame it.

Awarded teachers shared experience in the “General e-Learning application” discussion panel 電子教學應用組別的得獎教師分享電子教學應用的經驗

Mr Gabriel Tam, the representative of Oxford University Press, distributed the prizes for the Primary English stream which was co-organized with Oxford University Press. Awardees shared their views on the challenges and professional development of e-Learning in a panel discussion moderated by Mr Samuel Yeung.

Awarded teachers shared experience in the “Primary English (Co-organized with Oxford University Press)” discussion panel 小學英語 (協辦機構: 牛津大學出版社)組別的得獎教師分享電子教學應用的經驗

Group photo of the Primary English (Co-organized with Oxford University Press) stream awardees

Awardees of Computational Thinking Education (CT) stream received the prizes from Mr Wong Kin Wai, Albert, Chairman of AiTLE Association of I.T. Leaders in Education. Thereafter, Mr Li Chiu Fai, representative of The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education distributed the prizes for STEM Education (STEM).

The Panel Discussion of CT and STEM education stream was moderated by Mr Karl Cheung, facilitating awarding teachers to share their teaching practice with other teachers.

Awarded teachers shared experience in the “STEM Education and Computational Thinking” discussion panel STEM 教學及計算思維組別的得獎教師分享電子教學應用的經驗

Group photo of the Computational Thinking stream awardees

The organizing committee of the e-Learning Award 2017/18 has completed the mission. 一眾本年度教學獎的籌募委員完成任務後合照留念
