A high school in Taipei, Taipei Municipal Tian-Mu Junior High School (http://www.tmjh.tp.edu.tw/), use iClass in teaching and learning of various subjects in the school. Dr. Wilton Fok visited the school on Apr 3, 2015 and share the experience of using iClass with teachers in the school.
Some of the interactive classes are recorded as follow:-
Class 1 Teacher provided reference materials for students to read in e-book. Then student use the “Drawing” function to edit the presentation slide and upload to the teacher screens for sharing. Students also use the “Peer review” function to give comments to one another 以“電子書”說明剪報要求及提供老師範例供參考,以“繪圖板”將蒐集到的圖文匯入排版,並附上讀報心得。”互評“會等到學生段考完之後再進行。
Class 2 Students use the “e-book” function to read the e-book on the iPad and use the “Keyword” function o share their ideas. Teacher use “Keynote” to present 以“電子書”進行學生閱讀活動,以“關鍵詞”進行學生心得分享,另外老師搭配keynote進行簡報。
Class video (3 mins)上課影片剪輯(三分鐘)
Class 3: (Written in Chinese only) 實施年級:九年級 課程名稱:全球環境議題 教學活動:剪報 使用iclass功能:電子書及互評 設計發想: 全球環境議題在許多學科都有談到,且在過去的學習歷程,或多或少都有談及此議題,如果此單元由老師主講,學生或許毫無新鮮感,雖然老師可以透過大量的資料以電子書和影片呈現,增加學生見聞,(我過去幾課幾乎都以此上課模式教學,學生也覺得不錯),但是學生畢竟還是屬於被動的接受,我希望他們在學習上更多主動自發性,於是設計一個剪報的活動,不是真的剪報紙喔,而是蒐集網站上有關環境議題的新聞,使他們能更多關心與我們息息相關的環境議題,也透過分享,增廣大家的見聞,iclass電子書中的繪圖板可以做出很好的剪報。
實施流程: 老師先製作一個附有剪報說明及範例的電子書,使學生了解老師希望剪報內需呈現”主題“.”圖片“.”圖片說明“.”地理位置“.”資料出處“.”心得“,(如附件一),貼紙內放有各大洲的地圖,方便製作位置圖。
About Taipei Municipal Tian-Mu Junior High School (臺北市立天母國民中學) Taipei Municipal Tian-Mu Junior High School, founded in 1991, has earned a solid reputation as one of the foremost middle schools for our diversified courses and a strong school team. Today, we have grown into a school with 60 regular classes, 2 special classes (approximately 2200 students), and 138 faculty members. In Taipei, Tian Mu is a place famous for its exotic atmosphere and multi-cultures. Therefore, in addition to the usual courses, our teacher team is continuing providing diversified and innovative courses combined with abundant community resource and the support of parents. Also, owing to our location, respecting every student’s uniqueness and teaching he or she to tolerate and enjoy the diversity are what we are striving toward. That’s the reason why we’d like to set the two words, “diversity” and “tolerance” as our main educational ideas. Beyond the regular curriculum, Tian Mu children are encouraged to take part in multiple and vibrant extracurricular activities. For example, many art courses are designed to stimulate and develop students’ creativity and talents. Tian Mu String, Wind and Recorder Ensembles are often the best performers in our neighborhood. Besides, many counseling programs are welcomed and helpful to our students.