STEM in mBot 2017 第二屆機械人大決戰

「第二屆 – 機械人大決戰 STEM in mBot 2017」活動於2017年3月至7月期間舉辦, 大決戰在 2017年7月30日舉行,是次活動由田家炳中學,香港大學、城市大學、香港數碼港及Makeblock港澳區獨家總代理「永佳科技有限公司」合辦,目的是希望透過讓學生了解mBot機械人的設計,以及發展歷程,推動學生對創意科技產業的了解及探索。並讓學生透過組裝機械人及編寫程式,發揮無盡的創意,以及訓練他們的溝通、協作,解難及邏輯思維能力。活動包含多場mBot教學應用分享會、學生工作坊,以及各類比賽,全面配合現今的教育新趨勢,透過整合科學、科技、工程及數學(STEM)等領域的知識,讓學生裝備自己,迎接急促轉變的社會步伐,學生在活動中所學得的遠超過資訊科技技能,而是21世紀學生應具備的關鍵能力。活動經費獲得「政府資訊科技總監辦公室」資助。


The “STEM in mBot” contest was held from March to Jul 2017. The final was held on 30 Jul 2017. This contest was jointly organized by Tin Ka Bin Secondary School, HKU e-Learning Development Lab, City University, Cyberport and Everbest Ltd. It is aimed to provide an opportunity for students to understand the design of robot and create a solution to solve a problem and to enhance their skills on communication, collaboration, problem solving and logical thinking, It is one of the school program for “Enriched Information Technology Program EITP” supported by the Office of Government Chief Information Officer IGCIO started since 2015/16.

Primary Sections

Presentation of their innovative ideas

Ken Law and Sandra Chan presented the prizes to the winners

Karl Cheung, Sandra Chan and Kwok Sir presented the prizes to the winners

Secondary Sections

Mars mission challenge

Presentation of ideas

Dr. Wilton Fok, Kwok Sir, Karl Cheung and Sandra Chan presented the prizes to the winners

Interview of participants
